SHeetzScope of Work: Full site preparation, land clearing, underground utilities with elaborate storm detention systems, and paving preparation.
West Chester University Softball FieldScope of Work: Reconstructed softball field and dugouts.
Residential Stamped Concrete Driveway and PatioScope of Work: Excavated and prepared site, installed stamped concrete.
Lebanon VA Hospital Primary Care UnitScope of Work: Site preparation, utility installation, concrete work, and paving.
Clark Associates Parking Lot ExpansionScope of Work: Removed existing house and foundation, site preparation, underground infiltration basin, storm sewer piping, paving, and landscaping.
Hershey Medical Center Interior Electric ExcavationScope of Work: Excavated for concrete foundation in MRI unit.
Skyview Tractor Repair Building
Scope of Work: Site preparation, underground infiltration basin, storm sewer piping, foundation preparation, and septic system.